2024 |2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995
- “Heat-Induced Liquid Hovering in Liquid-Gas Coexistence under Gravity“
Akira Yoshida, Naoko Nakagawa and Shin-ichi Sasa
Phys.Rev.Letter 133, (11), 11701(2024) / arXiv:2310.05817 - “Non-equilibrium phase coexistence in boundary-driven diffusive systems“
Shin-ichi Sasa and Naoko Nakagawa
arXiv:2407.12353 - “Phase coexistence in a weakly stochastic reaction-diffusion system“
Yusuke Yanagisawa and Shin-ichi Sasa
arXiv:2403.19198 - “Microscopic Cutoff Dependence of an Entropic Force in Interface Propagation of Stochastic Order Parameter Dynamics“
Yutaro Kado and Shin-ichi Sasa
Phys.Rev.Letter 132, (5), 057101(2024) / arXiv:2304.03554
- “Upper bounds on entropy production in diffusive dynamics“
Andreas Dechant
arXiv:2310.17929 - “Thermodynamic bounds on correlation times“
Andreas Dechant, Jerome Garnier-Brun and Shin-ichi Sasa
Phys.Rev.Letter 131, (16), 167101 (2023) / arXiv:2303.13038 - “Phase transition of parallelizability in assembly systems“
Ikumi Kobayashi and Shin-ichi Sasa
Phys.Rev.Research 5, (3), 033004 (2023) / arXiv:2302.00909 - “Control of metastable states by heat flux in the Hamiltonian Potts model“
Michikazu Kobayashi, Naoko Nakagawa and Shin-ichi Sasa
Phys.Rev.Letter 130, (24), 247102 (2023) / arXiv:2212.12289 - “Thermodynamic constraints on the power spectral density in and out of equilibrium“
Andreas Dechant
arXiv:2306.00417 - “Divergent stiffness of one-dimensional growing interfaces“
Mutsumi Minoguchi and Shin-ichi Sasa
Phys.Rev.Letter 130, (19), 197101 (2023) / arXiv:2211.02248 - “Growth of self-integrated atomic quantum wires and junctions of a Mott semiconductor“
Tomoya Asaba, Lang Peng, Takahiro Ono, Satoru Akutagawa, Ibuki Tanaka, Hinako Murayama, Shota Suetsugu, Aleksandar Razpopov, Yuichi Kasahara, Takahito Terashima, Yuhki Kohsaka, Takasada Shibauchi, Masatoshi Ichikawa, Roser Valentí, Shin-ichi Sasa, Yuji Matsuda
Science Advances 9, (18), eabq5561 (2023) - “Rigorous proof of a phase transition of parallelizability in a one-dimensional structure assembly“
Ikumi Kobayashi and Shin-ichi Sasa
arXiv:2302.00914 - “Housekeeping and excess entropy production for general nonlinear dynamics “
Kohei Yoshimura, Artemy Kolchinsky, Andreas Dechant, and Sosuke Ito
Phys. Rev. Research 5, 013017 (2023) / arXiv:2205.15227
- “Interscale entanglement production in a quantum system simulating classical chaos“
Taiga Haga and Shin-ichi Sasa
J. Stat. Mech. 2022, 123102, (2022) /arXiv:2201.09217 - “Quasi-static decomposition and the Gibbs factorial in small thermodynamic system“
Shin-ichi sasa, Ken Hiura, Naoko Nakagawa and Akira Yoshida
Journal of Statistical Physics 189, (31), (2022) / arXiv:2205.05863 - “Phase Growth with Heat Diffusion in a Stochastic Lattice Model“
Mao Hiraizumi, Hiroki Ohta and Shin-ichi Sasa
Journal of Statistical Physics 189, (28), 1-21 (2022) / arXiv:2110.15605 - “Unique extension of the maximum entropy principle to phase coexistence in heat conduction“
Naoko Nakagawa and Shin-ichi Sasa
Phys. Rev. Research 4, (3), 033155 (2022) / arXiv:2112.14881 - “Geometric decomposition of entropy production into excess, housekeeping and coupling parts“
Andreas Dechant, Shin-ichi Sasa, Sosuke Ito
Phys. Rev. E 106, (2), 024125 (2022) / arXiv:2202.04331 - “Thermodynamic Uncertainty Relations for Steady-State Thermodynamics“
Takuya Kamijima, Sosuke Ito, Andreas Dechant, and Takahiro Sagawa
arXiv:2207.05332 - “Information geometry of excess and housekeeping entropy production “
Artemy Kolchinsky, Andreas Dechant, Kohei Yoshimura, and Sosuke Ito
arXiv:2206.14599 - “Information-Thermodynamic Bound on Information Flow in Turbulent Cascade“
Tomohiro Tanogami and Ryo Araki
arXiv:2206.11163 - “Characterizing the Asymmetry in Hardness between Synthesis and Destruction of Heteropolymers“
Ikumi Kobayashi and Shin-ichi Sasa
Phys. Rev. Letter 128, (24), 247801 (2022) / arXiv:2111.09498 - “Macroscopic stability of time evolution of Gibbs measures”
Raphael Lefevere and Shin-ichi Sasa
Journal of Statistical Physics 188,(13), (2022) / arXiv:2111.10348 - “XY model of cascade transfer“
Tomohiro Tanogami and Shin-ichi Sasa
Phys. Rev. Research 4, (2), L022015 (2022) / arXiv:2106.11670 - “Violation of the second fluctuation-dissipation relation and entropy production in nonequilibrium medium“
Tomohiro Tanogami
Journal of Statistical Physics 187, (25) (2022) / arXiv:2111.13450 - “Geometric decomposition of entropy production in out-of-equilibrium systems“
Andreas Dechant, Shin-ichi Sasa, Sosuke Ito
Phys. Rev. Research 4, (1), L012034 (2022) / arXiv:2109.12817 - “Reply to “Comment on ‘Theoretical analysis of quantum turbulence using the Onsager ideal turbulence theory’ ”“
Tomohiro Tanogami
Phys. Rev. E 105, 027102 (2022) / arXiv:2111.11659 - “Bounds on the precision of currents in underdamped Langevin dynamics “
Andreas Dechant
arXiv:2202.10696 - “Minimum entropy production, detailed balance and Wasserstein distance for continuous-time Markov processes“
Andreas Dechant
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical,55,(9),094001,(2022) / arXiv:2110.01141
- “Improving thermodynamic bounds using correlations“
Andreas Dechant and Shin-ichi Sasa
Phys. Rev. X 11, (4), 041061 (2021) / arXiv:2104.04169 - “Continuous time-reversal and equality in the thermodynamic uncertainty relation“
Andreas Dechant and Shin-ichi Sasa
Phys. Rev. Reseach 3,(4), L042012 (2021) / arXiv:2010.14769 - “Perturbative solution of a propagating interface in the phase field model“
Mao Hiraizumi and Shin-ichi Sasa
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2021,(10),103203 (2021) / arXiv:2103.13638 - “Gibbs Distribution from Sequentially Predictive Form of the Second Law”
Ken Hiura
Journal of Statistical Physics 185,(2) (2021) / arXiv:2008.13132 - “Macroscopic dynamical fluctuations in Kac ring model“
Ken Hiura
arXiv:2109.06434 - “Van der Waals Cascade in Supercritical Turbulence near a Critical Point“
Tomohiro Tanogami and Shin-ichi Sasa
Phys. Rev. Reseach 3(3), L032027 (2021) / arXiv:2101.08708 - “Emergence of surface long-range order under uniform shear flow“
Hiroyoshi Nakano, Yuki Minami, Taiki Haga, Shin-ichi Sasa
arXiv:2107.13183 - “Microscopic theory of the fluctuating hydrodynamics in nonlinear lattices“
Keiji Saito, Masaru Hongo, Abhishek Dhar and Shin-ichi Sasa
Physical Review Letters 127(1),010601(2021) / arXiv:2006.15570 - “Stochastic order parameter dynamics for phase coexistence in heat conduction“
Shin-ichi Sasa, Naoko Nakagawa, Masato Itami and Yohei Nakayama
Physical Review E 106 (6),062129(2021) / arXiv:1908.03029 - “Geometric model of 3D curved graphene with chemical dopants“
Andreas Dechant, Tatsuhiko Ohto, Yoshikazu Ito, Marina V.Makarova, Yusuke Kawabe, Tatsufumi Agari, Hikaru Kumai, Yasufumi Takahashi, Hisashi Naito and Motoko Kotani
Carbon 182 223-232 (2021) - “Kinetic uncertainty relation on first passage time for accumulated current”
Ken Hiura and Shin-ichi Sasa
Phys. Rev. E 103, L050103 (2021) / arXiv:2102.06398 - “Long-Range Phase Order in Two Dimensions under Shear Flow“
Hiroyoshi Nakano, Yuki Minami and Shin-ichi Sasa
Phys. Rev. Lett. 126 (16),160604 (2021) / arXiv:2011.06256 - “Theoretical analysis of quantum turbulence using the Onsager ideal turbulence theory”
Tomohiro Tanogami
Phys. Rev. E. 103 ,023106 (2021) / arXiv:2009.11057 - “Effective Langevin equations leading to large deviation function of time-averaged velocity for a nonequilibrium Rayleigh piston“
Masato Itami, Yohei Nakayama, Naoko Nakagawa and Shin-ichi Sasa
Phys. Rev. E 103 (2),022125 (2021) / arXiv:2009.13785
- “Stochastic time-evolution, information geometry and the Cramer-Rao bound“
Sosuke Ito and Andreas Dechant
Phys. Rev. X 10,021056 (2020) / arXiv:1810.06832 - “Estimating entropy production by machine learning of short-time fluctuating currents“
Shun Otsubo, Sosuke Ito, Andreas Dechant, and Takahiro Sagawa
Phys. Rev. E 101, 062106 (2020) / arXiv:2001.07460 - “Equilibrium measurement method of slip length based on fluctuating hydrodynamics“
Hiroyoshi Nakano and Shin-ichi Sasa
Phys. Rev. E 101,033109 (2020) / arXiv:1910.03825 - “Fluctuation-response inequality out of equilibrium”
Andreas Dechant and Shin-ichi Sasa
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (12), 6430-6436 (2020) / arXiv:1804.08250 - “Thermodynamic entropy as a Noether invariant in a Langevin equation“
Yuki Minami and Shin-ichi Sasa
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2020 (1), 013213 (2020) / arXiv:1909.13205
- “Global Thermodynamics for Heat Conduction Systems“
Naoko Nakagawa and Shin-ichi Sasa
Journal of Statistical Physics 177,(5) 825-888 (2019) / arXiv:1906.07022 - “Microscopic Reversibility and Macroscopic Irreversibility: From a viewpoint of Algorithmic Randomness”
Ken Hiura and Shin-ichi Sasa
Journal of Statistical Physics 177,(5) 727-751 (2019) / arXiv:1905.05017 - “Statistical mechanical expressions of slip length”
Hiroyoshi Nakano and Shin-ichi Sasa
Journal of Statistical Physics 176,(2) 312-357 (2019) / arXiv:1811.06775 - “Surface Critical Phenomena of a Free Bose Gas with Enhanced Hopping at the Surface”
Hiroyoshi Nakano and Shin-ichi Sasa
J. Stat. Phys. 174, 762 (2019) / arXiv:1805.02883 - “Thermodynamical path integral and emergent symmetry”
Shin-ichi Sasa, Sho Sugiura, and Yuki Yokokura
Phys. Rev. E 99, 022109 (2019) / arXiv:1812.06375 - “Microscopic determination of macroscopic boundary conditions in Newtonian liquids”
Hiroyoshi Nakano and Shin-ichi Sasa
Phys. Rev. E 99, 013106 (2019) / arXiv:1808.06859 - “Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition of two-component Bose mixtures with inter-component Josephson coupling”
Michikazu Kobayashi, Minoru Eto, and Muneto Nitta
Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 075303 (2019) / arXiv:1802.08763 - “Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition of Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition of spin-1 spinor Bose gases in the presence of the quadratic Zeeman effect”
Michikazu Kobayashi
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 88, 094001 (2019) / arXiv:1902.00210 - “Reexamining Ginzburg-Landau theory for neutron 3P2 superfluidity in neutron stars”
Shigehiro Yasui, Chandrasekhar Chatterjee, Michikazu Kobayashi, and Muneto Nitta
Phys. Rev. C. 100, 025204 (2019) / arXiv:1904.11399 - “Linear stability analysis of self-gravitating granular gas”
Tomohiro Tanogami
- “Singular behaviour of time-averaged stress fluctuations on surfaces”
Masato Itami and Shin-ichi Sasa
J. Stat. Mech, 123210 (2018) / arXiv:1809.09410 - Reply to Comment on “Replica symmetry breaking in trajectories of a driven Brownian particle”
Masahiko Ueda and Shin-ichi Sasa
Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 128902 (2018) / arXiv:1805.10474 - “Entropic bounds on currents in Langevin systems”
Andreas Dechant, Shin-ichi Sasa
Phys. Rev. E 97, 062101 (2018) / arXiv:1803.09447 - “How Does Pressure Fluctuate in Equilibrium?”
Ken Hiura, Shin-ichi Sasa
J. Stat. Phys. 173, 285 (2018) / arXiv:1803.00256 - “Current fluctuations and transport efficiency for general Langevin systems”
Andreas Dechant, Shin-ichi Sasa
J. Stat. Mech. 063209 (2018) / arXiv:1708.08653 - “The Most Effective Model for Describing the Universal Behavior of a Noisy Kuramoto-Sivashinsky Equation as a Paradigmatic Model”
Yuki Minami, Shin-ichi Sasa
J. Stat. Phys. 173, 120 (2018) / arXiv:1703.08946 - “Heat leakage in overdamped harmonic systems“
Dominic Arold, Andreas Dechant, and Eric Lutz
Phys. Rev. E 97, 022131 (2018) / arXiv:1707.06441
- “Liquid-gas transitions in steady heat conduction”
Naoko Nakagawa, Shin-ichi Sasa
Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 260602 (2017) / arXiv:1707.07448 - “Underdamped stochastic heat engine at maximum efficiency”
A. Dechant, N. Kiesel and E. Lutz
EPL 119 Editor’s Choice, 50003 (2017) / arXiv:1602.00392 - “Nonergodic Diffusion of Single Atoms in a Periodic Potential”
Farina Kindermann, Andreas Dechant, Michael Hohmann, Tobias Lausch, Daniel Mayer, Felix Schmidt, Eric Lutz and Artur Widera
Nature Physics 13, 137 (2017) / arXiv:1601.06663 - “Gaussian white noise as a resource for microscopic engines”
Andreas Dechant, Adrian Baule, Shin-ichi Sasa
Phys. Rev. E 95, 032132 (2017) / arXiv:1609.09633 - “Replica symmetry breaking in trajectory space for the trap model”
Masahiko Ueda, Shin-ichi Sasa
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 50, 125001 (2017) / arXiv:1609.01820 - “Universal Form of Stochastic Evolution for Slow Variables in Equilibrium Systems”
Masato Itami, Shin-ichi Sasa
J. Stat. Phys. 167, 46 (2017) / arXiv:1608.00371 - “Is a double quantized vortex dynamically unstable in uniform superfluids?”
Hiromitsu Takeuchi, Michikazu Kobayashi and Kenichi Kasamatsu
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 87, 023601-1-5 (2017)
- “Aging Wiener-Khinchin Theorem and critical exponents of 1/f noise”
N. Leibovich, A. Dechant, E. Lutz, and E. Barkai
Phys. Rev. E 84, 052130 (2016) / arXiv:1603.05440 - “Heavy-tailed phase-space distributions beyond Boltzmann-Gibbs: Confined laser-cooled atoms in a nonthermal state”
Andreas Dechant, Shalom Tzvi Shafier, David A. Kessler, and Eli Barkai
Phys. Rev. E 94, 022151 (2016) / arXiv:1604.03616 - “Entropy Production of Nanosystems with Time Scale Separation”
Shou-Wen Wang, Kyogo Kawaguchi, Shin-ichi Sasa, Lei-Han Tang
Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 070601 (2016) / arXiv:1601.04463 - “Emergent symmetry in a thermal pure state path integral”
Shin-ichi Sasa, Sho Sugiura, Yuki Yokokura
arXiv:1611.07268 - “Nonequilibrium fluctuation response relation in a time scale separated system”
Shou-Wen Wang, Kyogo Kawaguchi, Shin-ichi Sasa, Lei-Han Tang
arXiv:1610.00120 - “Thermodynamic entropy as a Noether invariant”
Shin-ichi Sasa and Yuki Yokokura
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 140601 (2016) / arXiv:1509.08943 - “Focus on stochastic thermodynamics”
Christian Van den Broeck, Shin-ichi Sasa, Udo Seifert
New Journal of Physics 18, 020401-020403 (2016) - “Critical Velocity of a Superfluid Bose Gas Flowing in a Random Potential”
Taiki Haga
J. Low. Temp. Phys. 183, 136 (2016) - “Quench dynamics of the three-dimensional U(1) complex field theory: geometric and scaling characterisation of the vortex tangle”
Michikazu Kobayashi and Leticia F. Cugliandolo
Phys. Rev. E 94, 062146 (2016) / arXiv:1609.02431 - “Universal Critical Behavior at a Phase Transition to Quantum Turbulence”
Masahiro Takahashi, Michikazu Kobayashi, Kazumasa A. Takeuchi
arXiv:1609.01561 - “Topologically protected helicity cascade in non-Abelian quantum turbulence”
Michikazu Kobayashi and Masahito Ueda
arXiv:1606.07190 - “Dynamics of trapped interacting vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates: a role of breathing degree of freedom”
Katsuhiro Nakamura, Doniyor Babajanov, Davron Matrasulov, Michikazu Kobayashi, and Paulsamy Muruganandam
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 49, 315102 (2016) - “Thermal quenches in the stochastic Gross-Pitaevskii equation: Morphology of the vortex network”
Michikazu Kobayashi and Leticia F. Cugliandolo
Europhys. Lett. 115, 20007 (2016) / arXiv:1606.03262
- “Derivation of Stokes’ Law from Kirkwood’s Formula and the Green-Kubo Formula via Large Deviation Theory”
Masato Itami and Shin-ichi Sasa
J. Stat. Phys. 161, 532 (2015) / arXiv:1505.01691 - “Deviations from Boltzmann-Gibbs equilibrium in confined optical lattices”
Andreas Dechant, David A. Kessler, and Eli Barkai
Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 173006 (2015) / arXiv:1412.5402 - “Non-equilibrium quasi-long-range order of driven random field O(N) model”
Taiki Haga
Phys. Rev. E 92, 062113 (2015) / arXiv:1504.06411 - “Collective Dynamics from Stochastic Thermodynamics”
Shin-ichi Sasa
New J. Phys. 17, 045024 (2015) / arXiv:1501.00055 - “Replica symmetry breaking in trajectories of a driven Brownian particle”
Masahiko Ueda and Shin-ichi Sasa
Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 080605 (2015) / arXiv:1411.1816 - “Exact equalities and thermodynamic relations for nonequilibrium steady states”
Teruhisa S. Komatsu, Naoko Nakagawa, Shin-ichi Sasa, and Hal Tasaki
J. Stat. Phys. 159, 1237 (2015) / arXiv:1405.0697 - “Replica analysis of Franz-Parisi potential for sparse systems”
Masahiko Ueda and Yoshiyuki Kabashima
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 48, 135002 (2015) / arXiv:1412.1909 - “Nonequilibrium Langevin Equation and Effective Temperature for Particle Interacting with Spatially Extended Environment”
Taiki Haga
J. Stat. Phys. 159, 713 (2015) / arXiv:1311.7464 - “Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics for Adiabatic Piston Problem”
Masato Itami and Shin-ichi Sasa
J. Stat. Phys. 158, 37 (2015) / arXiv:1405.1874 - “Interpolating relativistic and nonrelativistic Nambu-Goldstone and Higgs modes”
Michikazu Kobayashi and Muneto Nitta
Phys. Rev. D 92, 045028 (2015) / arXiv:1505.03299 - “Nambu-Goldstone Modes Propagating along Topological Defects: Kelvin and Ripple Modes from Small to Large Systems”
Daisuke Takahashi, Michikazu Kobayashi, and Muneto Nitta
Phys. Rev. B 91, 184501 (2015) / arXiv:1501.01874
- “Finite size effects in a mean-field kinetically constrained model: dynamical glassiness and quantum criticality”
Takahiro Nemoto, Vivien Lecomte, Shin-ichi Sasa, and Friédéric van Wijland
J. Stat. Mech. P10001 (2014) / arXiv:1405.1658 - “Tunable dynamic response of magnetic gels: Impact of structural properties and magnetic fields”
Mitsusuke Tarama, Peet Cremer, Dmitry Y. Borin, Stefan Odenbach, Hartmut Lowen, and Andreas M. Menzel
Phys. Rev. E 90, 042311 (2014) / arXiv:1406.6979 - “Nonequilibrium dissipation-free transport in F1-ATPase and the thermodynamic role of asymmetric allosterism”
Kyogo Kawaguchi, Shin-ichi Sasa, and Takahiro Sagawa
Biophysical Journal 106, 2450 (2014) / arXiv:1307.3998 - “Macroscopically measurable force induced by temperature discontinuities at solid-gas interfaces”
Masato Itami and Shin-ichi Sasa
Phys. Rev. E 89, 052106 (2014) / arXiv:1309.5196 - “Jamming transition in kinetically constrained models with the parity symmetry”
Hiroki Ohta and Shin-ichi Sasa
J. Stat. Phys. 155, 827-842 (2014) / arXiv:1112.0971 - “A deformable microswimmer in a swirl: capturing and scattering dynamics”
Mitsusuke Tarama, Andreas M. Menzel, and Hartmut Löwen
Phys. Rev. E 90, 032907 (2014) / arXiv:1401.3606 - “Derivation of Hydrodynamics from the Hamiltonian Description of Particle Systems”
Shin-ichi Sasa
Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 100602 (2014) / arXiv:1306.4880 - “Computation of Large Deviation Statistics via Iterative Measurement-and-Feedback Procedure”
Takahiro Nemoto and Shin-ichi Sasa
Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 090602 (2014) / arXiv:1309.7200 - “Calculation of 1RSB transition temperature of spin glass models on regular random graphs under the replica symmetric ansatz”
Masahiko Ueda and Shin-ichi Sasa
J. Stat. Mech. (2014) P02005 / arXiv:1309.5764 - “Possible extended forms of thermodynamic entropy”
Shin-ichi Sasa
J. Stat. Mech. P01004 (2014) / arXiv:1309.7131 - “Individual and collective dynamics of self-propelled soft particles”
Mitsusuke Tarama, Yu Itino, Andreas M. Menzel, and Takao Ohta
Eur. Phys. J-ST 223, 121 (2014) / arXiv:1309.5438 - “Non-relativistic Nambu-Goldstone modes associated with spontaneously broken space-time and internal symmetries”
Michikazu Kobayashi and Muneto Nitta
Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 120403 (2014) / arXiv:1402.6826 - “Non-relativistic Nambu-Goldstone modes propagating along a skyrmion line”
Michikazu Kobayashi and Muneto Nitta
Phys. Rev. D 90, 025010 (2014) / arXiv:1403.4031 - “Color Magnetism in Non-Abelian Vortex Matter”
Michikazu Kobayashi, Eiji Nakano, and Muneto Nitta
JHEP 06, 130 (2014) / arXiv:1311.2399 - “Torus knots as Hopfions”
Michikazu Kobayashi and Muneto Nitta
Phys. Lett. B 728, 314-318 (2014) / arXiv:1304.6021 - “Vortex polygons and their stabilities in Bose-Einstein condensates and field theory”
Michikazu Kobayashi and Muneto Nitta
J. Low. Temp. Phys. 175, 208-215 (2014) / arXiv:1307.1345 - “Kelvin modes as Nambu-Goldstone modes along superfluid vortices and relativistic strings: finite volume size effects”
Michikazu Kobayashi and Muneto Nitta
Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. 021B01-1-6 (2014) / arXiv:1307.6632
- “Anomalous System Size Dependence of Large Deviation Functions for Local Empirical Measure”
Naoto Shiraishi
J. Stat. Phys. 152, 336 (2013) / arXiv:1303.0391 - “Work relations for time-dependent states”
Naoko Nakagawa and Shin-ichi Sasa
Phys. Rev. E 87, 022109-1-5 (2013) / arXiv:1211.6203 - “Intrinsic Unpredictability of Epidemic Outbreaks on Networks”
Junya Iwai and Shin-ichi Sasa
arXiv:1303.6606 - “Dynamics of a deformable active particle under shear flow”
Mitsusuke Tarama, Andreas M. Menzel, Borge ten Hagen, Rphael Wittkowski,Takao Ohta, and Hartmut Löwen
J. Chem. Phys. 139, 104904 (2013) / arXiv:1307.2019 - “Oscillatory motions of an active deformable particle”
Mitsusuke Tarama and Takao Ohta
Phys. Rev. E 87, 062912 (2013) - “Dynamics of a deformable self-propelled particle with internal rotational force”
Mitsusuke Tarama and Takao Ohta
Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. 013A01 (2013) - “Winding Hopfion on R2 x S1“
Michikazu Kobayashi and Muneto Nitta
Nucl. Phys. B 876, 605-618 (2013) / arXiv:1305.7417 - “Fractional vortex molecules and vortex polygons in a baby Skyrme model”
Michikazu Kobayashi and Muneto Nitta
Phys. Rev. D 87, 125013-1-10 (2013) / arXiv:1307.0242 - “Sine-Gordon kinks on a domain wall ring”
Michikazu Kobayashi and Muneto Nitta
Phys. Rev. D 87, 085003-1-6 (2013) / arXiv:1302.0989 - “Quantum hydrodynamics”
Makoto Tsubota, Michikazu Kobayashi, Hiromitsu Takeuchi
Phys. Rep. 522, 191-238 (2013) / arXiv:1208.0422 - “Toroidal domain walls as Hopfion”
Michikazu Kobayashi and Muneto Nitta
- “Zon-Cohen singularity and negative inverse temperature in a trapped particle limit”
Takahiro Nemoto
Phys. Rev. E 85, 061124 (2012) / arXiv:1205.1903 - “Physics of Large Deviation”
Shin-ichi Sasa
Phys. Scr. 86 , 058514-1-3 (2012) / arXiv:1204.5584 - “Pure Glass in Finite Dimensions”
Shin-ichi Sasa
Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 165702 (2012) / arXiv:1203.2406 - “Statistical mechanics of glass transition in lattice molecule models”
Shin-ichi Sasa
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 45, 035002 (2012) / arXiv:1105.4695 - “Spinning motion of a deformable self-propelled particle”
Mitsusuke Tarama and Takao Ohta
J. Phys. Cond. Matt .24, 464129 (2012) / arXiv:1210.4224 - “Dynamics of inertial vortices in multicomponent Bose-Einstein condensates”
Katsuhiro Nakamura, Doniyor Babajanov, Davron Matrasulov, and Michikazu Kobayashi
Phys. Rev. A 86, 053613-1-8 (2012) / arXiv:1212.0198 - “Abe homotopy classification of topological excitations under the topological influence of vortices”
Shingo Kobayashi, Michikazu Kobayashi, Yuki Kawaguchi, Muneto Nitta, and Masahito Ueda
Nucl. Phys. B 856, 577-606 (2012) / arXiv:1110.1478
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Takahiro Nemoto and Shin-ichi Sasa
Phys. Rev. E 84, 061113 (2011) / arXiv:1109.0797 - “Shear-induced criticality near a liquid-solid transition of colloidal suspensions”
Masamichi J. Miyama, Shin-ichi Sasa
Phys. Rev. E 83, 020401(R) (2011) / arXiv:1010.1411 - “Variational formula for experimental determination of high-order correlations of current fluctuations in driven systems”
Takahiro Nemoto and Shin-ichi Sasa
Phys. Rev. E 83, 030105(R) (2011) / arXiv:1009.3379 - “Entropy and Nonlinear Nonequilibrium Thermodynamic Relation for Heat Conducting Steady States”
Teruhisa S. Komatsu, Naoko Nakagawa, Shin-ichi Sasa, and Hal Tasaki
J. Stat. Phys. 142, 127, (2011) / arXiv:1009.0970 - “Systematic perturbation analysis for relaxation behaviors in a kinetically constraint Ising model on a Bethe lattice”
Hiroki Ohta
J. Stat. Mech. (2011) P01032 / arXiv:1007.3824 - “Protocol dependence of mechanical properties in granular systems”
Shio Inagaki, Michio Otsuki, and Shin-ichi Sasa
The European Physical Journal E 34: 124/1-6 (2011) - “Route to turbulence in a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate”
Jorge A. Seman, Emanuel A. L. Henn, Rodrigo Figueiredo Shiozaki, Giacomo Roati, Freddy Jackson Poveda-Cuevas, Kilvia M. F. Magalhães, Vyacheslav I. Yukalov, Makoto Tsubota, Michikazu Kobayashi, Kenichi Kasamatsu, and Vanderlei Salvador Bagnato
Laser Phys. Lett. 8, 691-696 (2011) / arXiv:1007.4953 - “Physics of non-Abelian vortices in Bose-Einstein condensates”
Michikazu Kobayashi
J. Phys. Conf. Series 297, 012013-1-17 (2011) - “Collision Dynamics of Non-Abelian Vortices in Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensates”
Michikazu Kobayashi, Yuki Kawaguchi, Muneto Nitta, and Masahito Ueda
J. Low. Temp. Phys. 162, 299-306 (2011)
- “An extended ensemble Monte Carlo study of a lattice glass model”
Koji Hukushima and Shin-ichi Sasa
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 233 012004 (2010) - “Thermodynamic transition associated with irregularly ordered ground states in a lattice gas model”
Shin-ichi Sasa
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 43, 465002 (2010) / arXiv:1006.4972 - “Multi-step relaxations in the Glauber dynamics of a bond-diluted Ising model on a Bethe lattice “
Hiroki Ohta
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 43, 395003 (2010) / arXiv:1002.4363 - “Theoretical analysis for critical fluctuations of relaxation trajectory near a saddle-node bifurcation”
Mami Iwata and Shin-ichi Sasa
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Hiroki Ohta and Shin-ichi Sasa
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Kazunori Itakura, Jun Ohkubo, and Shin-ichi Sasa
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Teruhisa S. Komatsu, Naoko Nakagawa, Shin-ichi Sasa, and Hal Tasaki
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Takahiro Hatano, Michio Otsuki, and Shin-ichi Sasa
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Kumiko Hayashi and Shin-ichi Sasa
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Takenobu Nakamura, Michio Otsuki, and Shin-ichi Sasa
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